Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

You watch as the black corolla you were riding in slams into the ground in a nasty explosion. You see Hector float away using a modded xbox as a parachute/ French toast maker. That guy is crazy amazing you think. Your happy to see Dusty and Derek phase in and find Hector. Then it hits you, "hey dude maybe your dead" you think to yourself "Lame." Somehow your no longer where you were watching yourself crash in that corolla. Now you seem to be standing on a cloud. White and gold pillars erupt up from the cloud and all around there seems to be this amazing cloud kingdom place. "No way, this isn't heaven, there's no way, not after what me and Robbie did to those blind orphans."

"Hey dude." Burger says. "Hey what's up dude?" you say back. "Nuthin much man." You look at him, he's standing there next to you. "Hey Burg, you look kinda different, taller, and well, whiter." "Yea, I had to transition from Burger the grey to Burger the white in order to come back from the infinite depths and meet you guys here." "Oh." "So where exactly is here?" Jourdan asks, she's now standing next to you. Adam seems to be walking around further up the cloud looking at things. "Asgard, Kingdom of the Norse Gods." "WOOOOOOOOOOO" you hear a monumental scream as a humongous 40 foot tall monster of a wolf is thrown from somewhere to your right across your field of vision and crashes into one of the pillars down the cloud road to the left of you. Robbie dives after it and partakes in an epic battle with it. "Hey dudes! Welcome to my old pad! Valhalla. My dad's up the stairs over there, he wanted to talk to you guys for a sec." Robbie then went back to fighting the Norse wolf Fenris.

You climb the stairs to see Odin sitting in his chare, just kicking it. He's got some brew in one hand and is surrounded by hotties in battle armor. Burger turns to you, "Those hotties are Valkyries, they along with the holly warriors Einherjar, (Norse word for Mormon) protect Odin and the gods." "Oh, wow, hey wait, how did you hear my inner monologue Burg?" "Oh yea, part of my new powers, you see, after being cast into the afterlife, I had to battle the Yggdrasil, for my immortal soul." While you and Burger continue talking, Jourdan wanders up to Odin who sits in his chair. She is about the size of his shin. She stands there for a second staring at him. Outside the window Robbie continues battling Fenris, only now Loki has joined in too. Burger continues on "So I beat the Yggdrasil at chess and so he let me come here, and so me and Odin kicked it old school, and I told him what was the deal and he was like don't worry dude, I got you covered, you can chill here and learn all this knowledge and power until you become Burger the white, then if Steve dies, he'll come here, you can train him in how to use the Hawaiian shirt's true power, and then you both will be reincarnated back on Earth to stop the evilness that's goin on down there. So I was like sure dude. But Odin was like one catch, Steve has to die somehow without being helped. And I was like, that shouldn't take long, and of course it didn't."

Odin looked down at Jourdan, her head tilted a bit as she looked at him. "I don't know if I believe in all of this." She said somewhat puzzled. Odin reached down and put his hand on her shoulder, he smiled a moment. Jourdan smiled too. She then decided to wander off towards the balcony.

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