YOU save the entire Universe!

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAUUUUURRRRGGGHHH!!!" you scream, in an impossibly deep baritone twisted by rage and grief. You plunge out of bed, launching yourself at the smirking doctor, but you fall instead to the floor, where you begin to writh in sudden torment! Everything seems to cloud over with a blue mist as your rational mind retreats to the back of your consciousness.
The PAIN! You bash your swelling head repeatedly on the cold floor of the hospital room, veins pulsing like cords of rope. RRRIIPP! Your clothes (no time to put you in hospital robes, obviously! You're wearing pink Levis.) stretch and tear. YOU stretch, your body ballooning in size, muscles sprouting atop of muscles the size of basketballs. Your brow becomes neanderthal like. Your face twists in rage. Your skin turns blue. Your ragged clothes flail around your massively enlarged body.
The doctor recoils in terror! He stammers, "Get back, you.... you....JERK!
And so, with those words, a legend is born, and the world will never be the same again.

You have 1 choice: