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Assault of the Sorcerer Kings

The Thief

Dolak Sanum was no ordinary thief. Over years of practicing his art and improving his skills he earned the title of "Master Thief", a level achieved by few and maintained by almost none.

Sanums' origins are unknown. He was first introduced to the public after masquerading as a server for a banquet and then robbing each guest blind, leaving not one purse untouched. At that time no one knew his name, but after two more simlarly daring exploits word of his identity reached the ears of the guards and nobles.

At one point he was caught and sentenced to life in the dungeons of Kadjid, an impenetrable and inescapable island fortress built and designed specificaly to house the most deadly and dangerous villians of the continent. After just two weeks there, Sanum escaped, the first man ever to do so.

After escaping Kadjid, Sanum was not heard of for some time. It didn't take long for him to reestablish himslef as a skilled and cunning rogue, working nobility and merchantile alike.

Perhaps his most noteworthy and daring exploit occurred on the 37th day of birth of the beloved Queen Sibil. Sibil had sat before the masses of the city on a wooden throne in the center of the city. Nobles from all around lined up to kiss her hand and wish her well. Sanum was among the nobility, dressed in black silks and velvets and looking every bit the part of a proud nobleman. His silver tongoe quickly won the favor of Queen Sibil and their conversation took longer than the average. It wasn't until several minutes after he had left that the queen realized that the ruby which once hung from her golden necklace had been replaced by a lump of wood.

The city guards saught him out in force and within two days Dolak found himself once more within the confines of Kadjid. It was during his second visit to the inescapable dungeons that he met a skilled and dangerous assassin known as Semaj Neb.

Needless to say, Sanum and Neb escaped the prison, making Neb the second person to ever do so, and Sanum the only person to do so twice.

At some point during his life he was befriended by the famed and powerful wizard, Delta Sigante. When Sigante summoned him urgently to his side, Sanum was one of the first to respond.

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