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The Thief of Alvera

You muse upon the two choices for a while. The direct route, though shorter would be dangerous and by following that route, you'd make it easier for whoever is chasing you to track you down. No, the smuggler's route is far more safer and would be the sensible course of action.

"I'll follow the smuggler's route", you tell Andon.

"Fantastic!", he says, smiling brightly at you.

The calm and ease with which he is dealing with the situation impresses you and irks you at the same time. How does he take such a grave matter so lightly, you ask yourself.

"Come down into the cellar with me, I'll introduce you to Vin-your guide.", he says, getting up from his seat.

The cellar is exactly as you remember. It has been more than three months since you last came to the cellar and you see new faces among the people there. Some old friends recognize you and shout profanities and wave at you.

The cellar was built by Andon to provide security to his thieves. It was built of stone and was rather damp and if it weren't for the ample number of burning torches, it would be dark as a new moon night in here.

Andon takes you to a small, thin man in a brown doublet and black hose sitting in a corner, asleep. The man's narrow face is unshaven and a trifle dirty. Overall, he looks better off than most of the other criminals.

"Wake up Vin", Andon says, kneeling down and shaking the man a little.

The man called Vin stirs a little and mumbles a few curse words before opening his eyes. "Oh, hello Andon", he greets in a lazy tone.

"I have a job for you.", Andon tells him."Oh, and what is it?" The man's eyes lose their indifference. His whole demeanor becomes a tad bit more alert."This young man has ome important items which need to be transported to Tyranop urgently. He is not aware of the smuggler's route so I want you to be his guide for the journey". The man looks at you closely."And what do I get in return for my services?". You don't wait for Andon to answer, you don't want him to get into anymore trouble for your sake."I have some pieces of expensive jewellery. I'll give them to Andon, you can collect them from him once you return to Alvera", you say . Though Andon seems to consider him trustworthy, you aren't ready to trust him. Andon looks at you, surprised and ready to argue but then gives up and nods in agreement. He knows how stubborn you can get.

The man thinks for a moment."Seems like a fair deal to me. I'm guessing it's a matter of secrecy so we shall depart before dawn tomorrow. Sound alright to you?"

Andon and you nod."Very well. Now please let me rest. I've had a hard week". The man settles himself comfortably along the wall and closes his eyes.

"Can that man be trusted?" you ask Andon back in his quarters."I've known him since he was a little boy. He's been in Kandar for the last five years. He returned few days ago. Don't worry. He won't betray you".

Andon's words do little to re-assure you but you don't have many options. "I should go pack my things and prepare for tomorrow". You excuse yourself from Andon's room and go down to do your packing.

You have 1 choice: