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A Date With Hiei

You glance at your pantry for only a moment before walking over to a small bowl of fruit. You pick an orange off the top, and absently peel it while wandering to your closet.

After a moment, you pick out an outfit that matches both yours and Hiei's tastes. Matching tastes meaning jeans, and a tight black t-shirt. You apply a little makeup to your eyes and face, and put your hair in a ponytail.

Although it was a dare, you're still surprisingly eager to go on this date. In fact, you find it hard to believe that your hand is steady enough to apply eyeliner without making yourself look like a whore.

You've only finished half the orange by the time you're ready. You exit out of your bedroom and walk quickly over to the couch closest to the door. Before you can sit down, however, a loud, impatient knock resounds in the room.

As you open the door, you look down to meet the beautiful red eyes of the fiery demon from a world of ice.

There is an uncomfortable silence, before he scowls.

"What are you looking at? Let's go."