
You shake off the effects and continue. You don't want to risk this. The voice in the gem begins to taunt you for your lack of risk, but eventually you report to Reginald. Reginald wants to know where Wallace is, and you tell him the whole story. He doesn't look overly concerned and is more interested and pleased that you managed to carry out your mission and didn't falter. He takes the dagger and gem from you.

"Ah, yes. These will come in useful for the times ahead, along with the other strife. I'm impressed by your willpower as I'm sure the succubus in the gem wanted you to keep her yourself, or perhaps it was the fear of me that motivated you? I'm sure you're aware that had you tried to keep it, I would've found out andÂ…well I don't need to elaborate I trust?"
"Good, very well on your way."

Reginald dismisses you and you exit his chambers. You can't help but be slightly mad at yourself, for not capitalizing on an opportunity. You allowed your fear to get the better of you.

In any case you still have caused much damage here today. The Thieves' Guild and Ebony Claw Syndicate will definitely weaken each other, making the city much easier for the Dark One to control when the time comes.

Add 7 CHAOS points for delivering the Guild information to the Syndicate.

You have 1 choice: