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You look around and espy several hefty biddies chuckling and heading into the Serpent's Head... a local alehouse with less of a reputation for ale, and more of a reputation as a nestingplace for fat, gossipy women. Needless to say, there aren't many male patrons.

You follow the biddies in, making sure to avoid personal contact in this area less peopled with... well, people. There are several tables from which come raucous talking and cackling, but the most crowded and active of these is presided over by Maude the Merciless: a fat, rosy-cheeked harridan who's rumored to have expatriated to Xeresgate from the far north kingdom of Flatula. She is a barbarian (albeit barely tamed) dressed in a maiden's outfit, but still carrying a heavy iron double-headed axe with her everywhere she goes. Her loud guffaws almost shake the rafters of the Serpent's Head, and weaker males have even been seen to cower at her passing in Tressex Square. Thankfully, her axe rests by her chair as she gathers her sheep... er, female audience around her for the latest tale of gossip...

"Now, I'll tell ya, ladies... this was no ordinary man! ...He was hung like a MOOSE!!" At this she laughs abrasively, and the women join in, even though they likely have no idea what a northern country moose (let alone his genitalia) looks like. It's as if she's every gossipy woman's big sister and greatest idol. Maude leans in seriously and all the women around her table focus intently on what she has to say next...

"Let me tell you, though, ladies. I've been walking out in the south forest lately..." (At this, you hear gasps. Apparently, the south forest is nothing to sneeze at.) "...and I swear that those 'Nervates have been gettin' ever more bold! Huh! I even had one o' them bastards grab my tit the other day!!" (As unlikely as such a sickening thought is, you listen on...) "If those little buggers weren't invisible, boy, I'd show them who was boss!"

At this, she gets a warm round of cheers and applause. Apparently, all it takes to impress these gossips is an arrogant swagger and a tall tale.

You can't help but wonder if perhaps you might be able to fit in with a group of people (or whatever they are) like these 'Nervates. Perhaps you're not alone... or maybe they might even be able to help you turn visible and you could truly see your face for the first time in your life!

What will you do?