
"Dale," you say. "Max's contract has been completed. I'm ready to come back now."

"Allright," he says, "I'll prepare the return process now." You step into the Rentyre and wait on Dale. Everything goes black.

"Shit!" yells Dale. The main panel begins to flash an error message. The protocol which prevents the Rentyre from making a switch instead of a separation has failed. When the Rentyre detected that the robot body was empty, it stopped.

Dale attempts to find a way to ignore the error and complete the separation, but this only causes more errors. The Rentyre freezes outright, and Dale has no choice but to restart the machine.

"Hello, Max? This is Dale from Loanatics, I'm just making sure you had no complaints with our service?"

"Well, my ass hurts, and the memories are coming back quicker than I'd like, but the process worked fine!"

Dale hangs the phone up before cussing at the top of his lungs. This was the third time an error had halted the return process.

Well, Max is perfectly fine. The error doesn't harm the customers. But you were in transit when the error occured. Without a body, you were wiped from the system when the Rentyre restarted itself. Perhaps you've gone to a better place, or perhaps you've been deleted from existance entirely. No one really knows what happens. What is certain is that you are dead.
End Of Story