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Lost in a Good Book- A Child's Tale

Rebecca wandered through the rows of short shelves until she found a book lying discarded in the middle of the aisle. She didn't really intend to read it, but the moment she lifted it off the floor, it slipped, and fell open. A mere moment after that, she heard something that sounded like :: POP :: and she felt like she might throw up. She grabbed her stomach, and covered her mouth.

The world she discovered when she opened her eyes was nothing like the one she had left. Every kind of block imaginable had been stacked into a tall strange castle, mixed with kid toys. She found a red Matchbox car, and kicked it so that it went zipping across what seemed to be a tabletop. Either she was very, very small, or the things around her were very, very big.

There was a thimble on top of a cylinder wooden block. The letters "A, B, C" were spelled out on separate blocks. Suddenly, a loud voice broke her concentration. "Can you find the clock?"

Rebecca looked around, and it felt like looking through a television screen as she looked up at the faces of a woman, and her drooling baby. She moved quickly to avoid having drool hit her in the face. It splattered against the barrier that kept her from what appeared to be the real world. Rebecca looked around, wondering if she could indeed find the clock. She saw it, way up high above a beach ball. A slender finger came and squashed against the clock, pressing the barrier but not harming the clock.

"See? There's the clock." The loud voice announced. "Do you see the red crayon?"

Rebecca again studied her surroundings, and realized only a second before the finger came her way that it was beside her. She twisted away and looked at the finger accusingly. That finger had no right invading her space.

"Can you close the book?" Rebecca snapped, channeling her brother Edward.

There was a pause on the other side, and for a moment, Rebecca thought she had won. She couldn't have been more wrong. The loud voice came again.

"Do you see the blue bird?" the voice asked more obnoxious than ever.

Rebecca didn't really want to look for the dumb bird, but there wasn't much else to do either. She didn't like this world much. It was dull. Less interesting even than living with her two mean brothers.

The finger stabbed at a point far above her head. Rebecca waited patiently for the next booming: "can you find…" but instead, the female voice said: "Uh-oh, someone made a poopsie."

Rebecca had two thoughts at once – Ew, gross, and the second- thank goodness this should be over any minute. Rebecca was correct, she watched as the world began to fold in half, becoming darker and darker. She felt the pull in her belly, and heard the ::POP:: She stood on the carpet looking at the offending book, the smell of poo fresh on the air and reeking.