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Hall of Infinite Doors

Sonya directs you to the campus police station and goes inside. She seems concerned, but isn't panicking.

You watch from a distance as an officer takes her story. She's not bad looking by any means. It looks like she dressed in a hurry. She has on a dark orange button up sweater with large boobs that were probably the result of a plastic surgeon. The sweater has a loose weave but not so loose that it is unseemly for a girl her age. Complimenting her sweater is a navy blue jean skirt that extends almost to the knee. You like her legs, especially when she crosses them. Her black hair is just beyond shoulder length and was done in waves--probably within a couple weeks. The expensive rings on her fingers indicate that, while she is not taken, she clearly is beyond your financial reach.

Finally, she is done with the officer and comes out to meet you. "Could I ask you a favor?"

"Sure," says Jenny. Ashley has been burrowed in her books and doesn't seem to care.

"Could we maybe see if she went home?" asks Sonya. Our old house is a little ways north of here.

"I have nothing else to do," you reply.

Everyone piles into your SUV. You drive north.

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