Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Will Richard Save the Day on his Day Off? You Decide!

Crouching behind the pillar, you lean to the side, carefully take aim, and fire. You hit someone whose suit has already taken some damage, and you kill him. You sit back behind the pillar. On each side of you the floor is quickly burned by the enemy's shots. You take your grenade and lean out to throw it. Your helmet is badly damaged by gun shot, but you manage to throw the grenade. It lands and explodes, scattering the soldiers and killing a couple. You put your gun in rapid fire mode, look out from behind the pillar, and fire on the scattered soldiers. A few of them run, but one manages to maintain his composure and he fires back. He clips the side of you damaged helmet, blowing it off your head. Stunned and helmetless, you sit back behind the pillar again for cover. You hear yelling, and then you hear something fall beside you. You look down to see a grenade. Before you can react, it explodes.