Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Will Richard Save the Day on his Day Off? You Decide!

You run towards to escape pods. You're not the only one running; the station is in total confusion, with people running everywhere. All the escape pods are still there, you seem to be the only person going for them right now. You climb into one and close the airlock behind you. Each pod is designed for a dozen people, but you don't have time to wait for anyone else. You go to the front of the pod and manipulate the controls. You blast away from the station.

You move to look out one of the windows. It looks like three troop carriers have locked onto the station so they could release their payload of shock troops. You see numerous enemy craft flying around trying to disable the stations defenses. There doesn't seem to be many of the stations gliders around. Most of them would have been on away missions and not have had time to return yet.

Even though you're just an unarmed escape pod you must be perceived as a threat. You see an enemy missile come straight for you. You try to maneuver the pod to avoid the missile, but it's no use. The missile hits its target and destroys the pod with yourself in it.