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The knights Lady

Alinore went strait to her rooms after leaving Guy. Her knees were weak, but it didn't matter because she felt light as a feather. Guy was the most handsome, most courteous man she had ever met. Alinore let loose an audible sigh and Mary came in to help her undress.
"There you are mistress, The scullery maid told me you had a fight with your sweetheart, Wil, but by the looks of you, he made a very fine apology!" Mary began to unlace Alinore's dress.

"Who? Wil! No, he is a Worm and a scoundrel, and he is NOT my sweetheart. I caught him in the stable with one of the villiage girls."

Mary looked at Alinore's puffy lips and messy hair. "Well then child, where have you gone and left your good silk veil? It's awfully soon to have another sweetheart isn't it?"