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Paul's Kingdom

"I am not singing that song." You say confidently. "No way. That's a baby song."

"Paul, you're in second grade!" Tom throws up his hands, but it's clear he's in defeat. "Well, fine. Have it your way. We just won't help Dad."

As much as you want to help your father get better, you highly doubt that singing Sing a Song will make him feel any better. Maybe something else.

For the rest of the day Dad does not come downstairs. Instead he just stays up penned in his room. At 9:00 you go to bed.


You wake up and make yourself some breakfast (Cheerios). For some reason, Cheerios have not made you and cheerier. Still, you're not hungry anymore. You finish getting ready for school and get on the bus.

You sit with your usual friend, Tim. You're not an unpopular kid at school, but not a popular one either. Definitely just an average guy. Average in pretty much everything. Academics, athletics, just blend in. That's how you've survived. Everyone counted, you've got about six really good friends and perhaps twenty friends in all. Not too shabby. And no real enemies to speak of.

"How's it goin', dude?" Tim asks. Lately, Tim's been into all of the "dude" stuff. But that's okay with you. It's better than what his brother Albert is into (all da bling with da zing goin' with da black people's things).

"Well, it's going okay," you reply. You never tell Tim about how sad Dad is.

"Cool," Tim says. For the remaining part of the trip you mostly talk about the recent episode of Yu-Gi-Oh.

You step into school rather light-heartedly, you haven't already forgotten your A+. Now it's time to keep that grade. You've set the bar higher. You'll pay attention to Mrs. Crosby today; you'll be a good student. No distractions.

Just as you think this, the biggest distraction possible comes walking down the hall. Alicia. For the simple reason that this girl is in 2nd grade I won't explain why you're attracted to her. But just accept it that you are.

You wonder if you should talk to Alicia. You've just been looking at her lately, and never really approached her. You've never been good around girls. Maybe you should talk to her. Lady Sonora did say it was easy to see how you feel about her.

What do you do?

You have 2 choices: