Ground Zero

As lovely of a creature she is, she's been the one leading your current enemy for years. She's most likely trying to lull you into a false sense of security to kill you; you won't allow yourself to fall for it.

As Lisa kisses and grinds into you, you muster all your strength and grab her to roll her over so that you're on top and firmly in control.

"Ohhh…okay…if that's the way you want to do this, I don't mind." Lisa says and for a brief moment you think she might've been telling the truth about the alliance, however you go through with your plan.

"Sorry baby, but I could never trust you. Maybe next life." You reply and snap her neck with one quick twist.

After the deed is done you sit by the bed for quite some time by her lifeless body. You really wish you hadn't felt the need to do that, but given the fact that you've been the perpetrator of as well as a victim of betrayal in the past you felt you had no choice. Still, you always wonder what if…

Five years pass…

Ten years have passed since you decided that going to the City would be a great place to find supplies…

After the death of Lisa, the Shadow Horde became disorganized and eventually began to fight amongst themselves. They became much less of a direct threat, and as head of the Zeropolis Legion (As you renamed it) you were able to make the Dust District relatively safe once again. The idea of taking over the entire City was never something you want to pursue, so you just concentrated on building up the Dust District, however events conspire against you from living out a relatively conflict free life.

Recently over the last few years, a cult of mutants called the Glow Children, have taken over a great portion of Zeropolis through their weird faith. They follow a leader calling themselves the Savior. In your experience, groups with any type of religious faith behind them are never willing to negotiate and they aren't an exception. They are utterly fanatical and devoted to their cause. They turn out to be worse than the Shadow Horde (In fact they also engage in attacks from the sewers as well, causing you to believe that ex-Shadow Horde members fill their ranks.) They've made their headquarters (or Cathedral as it were) at the old hospital.

They attack the Dust District relentlessly, but the most disturbing thing you notice is how some of them carry high tech weaponry similar to the kind that you used to fight the Shadow Horde. Later you see some of the bigger Glow Children fitted with cybernetic implants. You know that the Combine won the war against the Cybernetic Evolution, but it would appear at least one of their number survived and are obviously remembering your past treachery. The day of reckoning is soon at hand.

Eventually one day while you're arranging yet another plan to take back parts of the Dust District you've lost control over, your head quarters is attacked by several of the biggest mutants you've ever seen. Many of them are of the cybernetic variety armed with weapons of devastating power that make quick work of your elite guards.

As you make your futile last stand with a plasma gun, one of the giant aberrations takes two shots to the chest and still manages to pick you up and rend you limb from limb with minimal effort on its part.
End Of Story