Ground Zero

You decide to stay out of this little war they got going, plan on just keeping a low profile. Hopefully they'll never come scouting around your warehouse to closely.

A few months pass and The Zeropolis Guard discovers your little slice of solitude one day, you awaken to the sounds of your door being blown off its hinges and soldiers coming in.

"Holy shit, there's someone living here!" one of them remarks.
"What the fuck man? You blew up my door!" you shout trying to gather your wits from being asleep.
"Yeah? Well what the hell are you doing down here anyway?" a mean heavily scarred mutant asks.
"I live here! What's it to you? Don't you have Ferals to kill or some shit?"
"We were looking for some and we found this place…looks like you got quite the set up here. Generator, water recycler…this place would make a good living quarters for the Captain."
"What? HELL NO! This is my home! You can't just…"
"Quiet civvy, this place is now the property of The Zeropolis Guard, you got a problem with it, tough. Maybe if you join up though you can help protect the place, but for now you better get your shit and leave AND you can leave that pistol right there as well. You're under our protection, you don't need that anymore."
"Fuck you! I've spoke with Captain Salazar before and even HE let me keep it!"
"Yeah, well things have changed since then, we're uh…having a weapon shortage, so shut the fuck up and get the fuck out! You ain't winning this one and if you persist in this act of civil disobedience I'll fuckin' just shoot you right now!"

You have little choice in this matter. You grab what little belongings you can still take with you and get evicted from your home. You eventually find an abandoned building in one of the neighborhoods to dwell in, but its not nearly as nice. You try to go complain to Captain Salazar personally, but you just get stonewalled and blown off all the time. They just tell you that if you really want a weapon that badly you should officially join instead of complaining. In fact they begin to warn you that if you don't like being under their protection, you can leave and see how much you'd like it elsewhere.

That is a tempting thing to do because you'll be damned if you'll join these fuckin' fascists at this point. Though you're mad enough to try to do something a little more proactive as well.