Ground Zero

"Y'know what, you're right Jim, you shouldn't have to take orders from me."
"Good, I'm glad we understand each other."
"That's why you won't be around to do it any longer!"

Before anyone can do anything, you draw your pistol and shoot Jim three times in the chest before he falls dead. Ramon and Dan look like they want to react, but don't.

"Good. Glad to see you guys are smarter than you appear. Now Dan, lead us to the raiders."

After taking some supplies you think you'll need and re-trapping your home, you all set off to leave. (You take your van)

In about a day, you arrive around in the area that Dan was talking about, in fact you don't need to look for the raiders; they instantly approach you when they see you coming. It would appear some of them have a few vehicles as well, you just hope you can pull this off.

You get out of your van and your two new lackeys stop their bikes, they don't like the looks of this, especially since you're greatly outnumbered.

"Hey, uh…maybe this isn't such a good idea…" Ramon says.
"Yeah, when I was in Cinderville, I heard these guys could get pretty crazy." Dan adds.
"Pfft, these types always fall in line when you display sufficient strength. All I gotta do is challenge the leader to hand to hand combat or some shit. Hell, you fuckers were in prison, you know how this works." You arrogantly reply.
"Yeah, but even in prison there were rules! I mean there ain't no rules at all out here! Who says they're going to accept your challenge?"

With Dan's last statement, you figure you'll soon find out when the raiders arrive and stop their own vehicles. The leader steps out of his beat up car, and steps forward. He looks mean enough, like he's been living in the wasteland from day one.

"So, you got any last words, before we fuck you and eat you?" he asks.
"Yeah, I heard you're the lame cocksucker, who can't even handle a few pigs and some wannabe vigilantes in Cinderville." You reply.

The raider leader's expression gets even meaner looking if such a thing is possible.

"Oh? And I suppose YOU can do a better job?" he sneers.
"Sure the fuck can, all I need is more people. In fact I'd say yours would do just fine, so are you going to step down from your inept leadership, or am I gonna have to beat the shit outta you and take it?"

After looking at you up and down, he speaks again.

"Shit, I doubt if you could even last five minutes. Fuck this; I'm not wasting my time. Kill these assholes."

As soon as he says those words, you immediately turn to run, ducking and trying to get into your van, but in the shooting, the raiders hit the van's front tires by the time you make it inside. Dan and Ramon speed off, with some of the raiders in pursuit, while you attempt to drive in reverse and turn around on flat tires.

The raider leader rams your van with his own car, which has been fitted with extra plating. Eventually in the mayhem of the ramming, shooting and swerving around on flat tires on an incline, you roll the van over and over down the hill. It's amazing that you don't get killed and the van didn't blow up.

You however aren't in such great shape. You barely manage to crawl from your wrecked van, and when you do, the raider leader arrives in his own car just in time to finish you off.

He finds you crawling on the ground, when he opens up his door to point a sawed off shotgun in your face and pull the trigger.
End Of Story