Ground Zero

You remember something the Colonel said years ago "They made their bed now they can sleep in it." You see no reason to disturb the Shelters; you have enough to do with surface matters.

Your unwillingness to contact them though is frowned upon by the other alliance leaders. Some are even calling you "inhumane" for leaving them down there. You take great offense to this since you're anything but inhumane; you just don't see the need to contact a bunch of people who wanted to be shut off from society for a long period of time in the first place. Besides who says they want to be contacted? Who knows how they'll act? Seems like it's just going to open up trouble you don't really need.

It doesn't matter though, the other town leaders are determined to go through with it, and you can't stop them, it's not like you're running a dictatorship here. You are however denying all help from your end. Base Pandora, Fort Justice, and Eden are not to be involved. The Alliance relationship becomes a bit strained.

A few weeks pass and you get a report from the Alliance towns, the first Shelter openings didn't go very peacefully. Due to their fumbling and having no plan other than "Opening them up." They manage to get into misunderstandings and a few fights occurred resulting in some deaths on both sides, but mostly on the Shelter people side, seeing as they haven't been hardened by the surface. Ultimately they pull everyone out the Shelters kicking and screaming. Some Alliance citizens don't like the fact that their local governments have engaged in these kinds of tactics, and you're wondering what the hell they think they're doing, since you said it was a bad idea in the first place and this just proves it.

You later find out that one of the pettier leaders convinced most of the others that the Shelters contained resources that would make them less dependant on you (Such as operating filtrated water recycling systems) and decided taking the Shelters by force would be a good idea since if you were unwilling to help before you might be unwilling to help in the future.

Of course that was just idiotic logic on their part since you were just against the idea of fucking around with the Shelters; you weren't on some power trip.

Within the next few weeks reports start coming in about riots in the towns and mistreatment of the relocated Shelter people. It's the Combine all over againÂ…

You send in troops on your end to try to maintain some sort of peace, AND to stop all this unnecessary cruelty to the Shelter folks who were just peacefully living out their existence until some Alliance assholes pulled them from their homes.

Naturally being a peacemaker is a thankless job. The "doves" think you're being a fascist by using force to stop the rioting and protests, and then by the same token the "hawks" think you're meddling in business that isn't your concern since you didn't want anything to do with the Shelters in the first place and shouldn't be telling them what to do with the Shelters OR its people. Now you start to get angry.

"Motherfuckers I RUN the goddamn Alliance! I fuckin' built it! I'll say what the fuck goes!"

That's the last transmission you make to the Alliance as a single entity. The next day it becomes a much smaller entity as the Alliance town leaders official break off from you and declare themselves independent and calling themselves the Atomic Confederation.

You're so pissed of by all of this that you don't even WANT to bring them back into the "fold". You're ready to wash your hands of this exercise in stupidity. You withdraw all peacekeeping troops and instead of wasting more resources and man power on a long drawn out war taking town after town that will only weaken you, you decide to take a more strategic approach and attack the Shelters themselves. You send a strike team to locate each one that's been opened up and blow up the water recyclers, and then to blow up the elevators allowing access to the Shelters in the first place. You also of course aren't going to be trading food supplies from Eden anymore.

"So much for your new resources. See how long you last without our help, fucktards." Is your last transmission to the Atomic Confederation.

The Atomic Confederation doesn't last very long, it collapses mainly due to the inept and corrupt government, civil unrest, and even outside attack from raiders who are always attracted to chaos. By the time its all over the towns are little more than criminal havens that fight amongst each other.

You're still in good shape though; however this event has caused a trend in isolationism. The Atomic Alliance doesn't expand past its now severely shortened borders. You still have dealings with Ashtown every now and then, but after they heard all the problems that were going on, it appears they become a bit isolationist as well (Which does have the benefit that they don't try to open the Shelter that they located nearby, thankfully someone learned the lesson to leave well enough alone.) and you even have less contact with them as well.

You live out the rest of your years running the Atomic Alliance which mainly consists of protecting your borders. Your death comes suddenly when Alex unexpectedly assassinates you. (Theories point to simple revenge for all those years ago and just his underlying unstableness) You're buried next to Marina, he's immediately executed and Vivica takes over.

The Alliance continues under her leadership, but after her, leaders become less capable as leaders are apt to do in government systems. Eventually like the Combine, and the Atomic Confederation, the Atomic Alliance collapses completely thus ending the attempt to rebuilding civilization in this part of the wasteland.
End Of Story