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the perfect murder

Chapter 1.2.1: the interogation
You arrive at the house of first victim, and an old women greet you and ask you to come in.

"Mrs.Larivière should be there in a minute, say the old ladie while preparing some nice cofee"

After five minutes, A young lady walk down the stairs and greets you and your friend Jack.

You take a seat and start talking about the murder of her husband.
Mrs.Larivière starts crying and
Jack try to make her feel better, but nothing is working well. She says that
her husband didn't get back from work yesterday. At first the lady tough he was drinking beer at the bar like always. But thing got worst when at midnight he was still not there. So she call the cops, and only on hour after, the cops called back to say that husband was dead. What a tragic news it is.

Andréa(her name) Slowly continue talking about her husband, and Jack interupt her with a smart question.
"Did your husband had any enemy in the past few years"

Not in my concern, but he is a police officer. More than one could have been the murderer.

"Did he knew someone named Gibrid"

"Not in my concern"

"Where was he going the last time you saw him? You ask."

"Well to his job, i can give you the adress if you want."

You accept and Andréa gives you to adress.

You have 1 choice: