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The demon scam

You decide it's time to spill the truth as you reckon you won't be able to get through an attack from a pack of hyenas and still keep up the act of being a demon.

"Well actually..." you say, "I don't think it will be much fun at all. I'm really only a mortal!"

Naria turns to stare at you, at first clearly thinking that you are kidding... but the serious look on your face soon takes her out of that belief. Then instead, she narrows her eyes. "What the heck are you SAYING!? You can't be here, you know that, don't you?"

You want to explain, but before you have the chance, the hyenas attack and you are both forced to turn your attention on them.

One of them leaps at you with a low growl and hoping for the best, you strike at it with your dagger. It sinks in, but the beast still knocks you over, it's sharp claws digging into your side. You wince with pain but push the dead body off of you only to see that Naria is fighting the rest of the pack with ease.

You try to get up, but the wound you recived is really bad, and you press a hand to it to stop the blood flow, but there isn't really much use...

The hyenas are soon all dead and Naria licks her claws a little as she slowly turns back to you with a grim look on her face. "So you're a mortal, huh?" she says, watching you with narrowed eyes.

You nod a little and say at the same time you try to gasp for breath, "I know I'm not supposed to be here, and I'm sorry... But I didn't come here on purpose. I only wanted to save my sister and get out of here..."

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