The demon scam

You are not going to give up that easily. "Please!? It's my only chance!"

The demon flattens her ears back and bares her fangs. "I told you to get lost!" she growls and leaps at your throat so quickly you have no time at all to react.

But Merle obviously has. She grabs a hold of your hand and touches the ground with the other and the same shimmering light you saw around that tree flickes into existence...

What the..!? SHE was the one who opened up the portal here in the first place..? That's all you have time to think before the demon world fades away, the last thing you see being the cat demon's surprised and angered face as she hesitate in her leap.

Now you have a few things to talk with your sister about, and be sure to have word with the elders of your village as well while you're at it.

End Of Story