The demon scam

You narrow your eyes at the hyenas, ready to fight for your life to protect your little sister.

The snarling bunch creep closer and before you can think of anything else to do, the first one leaps at you with a low growl. Hoping for the best, you strike at it with your dagger, but the hit you took on your head have made you unfocused and slow and the demon dodges and knocks you over, it's sharp claws scraping your side. You wince with pain and you hear Merle scream...

Another beast leaps at you, and you fight desperately, slashing it across the throat. You quickly push yourself up, ignoring the pain in your side, just in time to turn around and kick at an hyena that is going for Merle. The demon yelp and twirls around, it's jaws closing around your arm. Just as you think all hope is lost, someone, or something leaps at the pack of hyenas, chasing them off.

(Please remember the letter M.)