The demon scam

Merle scream with fear and clings to you. "No! Don't let the mean doggies eat me!"

You narrow your eyes at the hyenas, ready to fight for your life to protect your little sister. You embrace her quickly and says, "Stay back, okay? I won't let them get you."

Merle nods with tears in her eyes and sits down on the ground quietly as you straighten up to face your enemies.

The snarling bunch creep closer and before you can think of anything, the first one leaps at you with a low growl. Hoping for the best, you strike at it with your dagger. It sinks in, but the beast still knocks you over and you hear Merle scream... but the next hyena that lunges at you is suddenly swept away by someone else who just entered the fight.

You have 2 choices: