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Normals is really a generic term for anyone who isn't a Freak, but its often used to describe Carneys who aren't deformed in some way and make a living in the Carnival utilizing some skill. ("Normals" who aren't Carneys are usually just called "Rubes" or at best "Townies") The core of these include acrobats, tightrope walkers, game barkers and the like. Normals as always out number the Freaks, but they aren't nearly as unified, though Randal's been trying to, in his effort to gain power.

Nearly all Normals find you revolting and run you off if you get near, either verbally OR physically.


This is a generic term for Carneys who have some sort of genetic condition that separates them from the rest of society. They can range from being very hairy, have no limbs, or have a few extra ones. In any case they are one of the major carnival draws. Some learn a few skills to go along with their deformities, but it's mainly their horrific appearance that they rely upon. Despite all their different forms, they are very unified and support the Ring Master for giving them a place in the world. Jasmine the bearded lady tends to be the Matriarch of them all

Freaks are a little more tolerant of you, since they've also suffered scorn and ridicule too, but you're not REALLY one of them and as such you're still an outsider and aren't really welcomed around them.


Not quite normals and not quite freaks, but the midgets are the ones who get things done in the Carnival and keep it running. (Though everyone else refers to them as Midgets, they prefer to refer to each other as Dwarves) They make up a majority of the labor force of the Carnival, a thankless job to be sure, and one that went unappreciated until Charley arrived. Now they make a lot more thanks to his "extra curricular" activities. They are pretty much unified, though they have mixed feelings about their self appointed leader.

Midgets are overworked at the best of times, so when a smelly disgusting Geek like you is around they really don't have the tolerance or patience for it. Bob is about the only one who'll even talk to you, the rest tend to kick you in the shins and chase you off with their work tools while shouting obscenities.


An interesting sub-society within the Freak community. They all tend to hang out together constantly laughing and babbling nonsensical ramblings. Though they may appear childlike and carefree, those qualities can mask a mean spiritedness sometimes.

You'd know since you've experienced this meanness first hand.


Pure evil wrapped up in the guise of something supposedly funny and harmless. While technically classified as "normals", there isn't anything normal about them. One wonders if they're actually even human underneath that make up. All intelligent right thinking people stay away from them.

Even YOU stay away from clowns!