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Paco Valdez


"There's less risk on the wagon trail," You tell them. "The money ain't too bad neither."

Gus throws his hands up in disgust. "You've both gone yella on me." He says, mounting his horse.

Annie and you get on your horses as well while Annie gives a cold reply to Gus. "We ain't yellow, old man, we're sensible."

"Same damn thing sometimes," He shoots back.

"It's a wonder you've lived as long as you have, Gus." Annie says.

Gus kicks at his mounts flanks and starts riding off. Annie and you follow suit, she taking the middle and you covering the rear.

It is a long and uneventful ride through the dangerously hot desert, but you reach Kallow unharmed, just after sunset. You follow Gus to the nearest saloon and tie your horse, Betty, to the rail. You walk in with Annie at your side and find Gus sitting at the bar ordering a drink. He waves that the two of you should grab a table and you comply. A barmaid comes by and Annie orders a round of steaks and potatoes.

Gus sits down at the table with three mugs of ale, handing you and Annie one apiece. "So the wagon trail, eh?" He asks in a vein attempt to make small talk.

"Yeah," Annie replies. "There's a part of the trail where it passes between to huge rock formations. I figure that'll be the best place to launch our attack."

"Dewars Pass, you mean?" He asks. Annie nods. "Yeah that could work. But I hear the law keeps watch on that area."

"Your news is older than your bones, Gus," Annie responds. "They been sayin' that for years, but I scoped it out a few years back and all they is doin' is sayin'."

"If you say so," Gus agrees timidly as three plates of steak and potato are set before the three of you. Gus digs in like a ravenous beast, while Annie takes her time with the meal, savoring it as though she's never had anything so fine in all her life.

In between mouthfuls Gus mentions his intent to leave for Dewars Pass this evening. "There ain't no need to waste time."

"Ah bullshit, Gus. What's the matter with having a decent night in a real bed?!" Annie protests.

"Ain't nothin' wrong with that Annie, 'cept this here town is teemin' with Vigilantes. The less time we spend here the better if you ask me." Gus tells her.

"Well I didn't ask you," she responds. "We stay in our rooms and leave in the morning, no one will be none the wiser for it."

"What do you think, kid?" Gus asks of you.

You weigh it in your head for a little before making your decision.