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The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

You spend hours trying to get some useful information out of Pat, but he proves useless.
Suddenly, you hear the sound of a door opening, and the echoing clomp of footsteps coming your way.
The bald, red-faced minister stands in front of your cell and laughs hysterically.
"What's so funny?" you ask.
"HAHAHAHA...what? Oh," the headmaster pulls himself together, "I'm just laughing with glee, that's all."
"What are you so happy about, sir? Is it your birthday?"
"Of course not you bug-brained twit!" the minister's smirk fades, "To tell you the honest truth, Aaron, I don't like you very much. In fact, I despise you greatly. That's why I'm laughing at you, it's because you're behind bars. HAHAHAAAAA!" the minister breaks out into another round of hysterical giggling.
"Sir," you ask, "When will I be released from here?"
"Released?" the minster's smile turns into a grimace, "Oh ya. I've forgotton about that part. Well, I suppose I'll keep you in here for a year, to teach you not to drop things on people's feet."
"A whole year?" you shout in surprise, "That's the whole school year!"
"Don't worry," The headmaster grins evily, "You'll only fall back a grade. Or maybe two. Maybe I should make it two years..."
"No sir! Please let me out!" you plead.
"Maybe... NEVER! HAHAHHAAAAA!" the headmaster walks out of the dungeon and slams the door behind him, his devilish laugh echoing in your tiny cell.