Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWW!" Gertrude's screech breaks any nearby windows.
"Sorry miss!" you apologize, "I didn't mean to--"
"Sorry? SORRY?" Gertrude looks beautiful even when angry, "YOU ASSHOLE!!"
A swift upward kick catches you in the chin and sends you crashing into the stone wall.

You wake up days later in a cold dungeon next to a fat, sweaty kid closely resembling a proffesional sumo wrestler.
You look over at him.
"Hiya," he gurgles, "My name is uhhh... is uhhh...."
"Wally?" you ask.
"Bertha? Enid?"
After a few minutes of silence, his flabby face brightens.
"Pat!" he exclaims, "My name is Pat, and I'm yur cell buddy!"
"Oh. Great." you try not to vomit. "Why are we in the dungeon?"
Fat Pat shrugs his shoulders, "I dunno."
"What do you mean you 'don't know'?"
"I dunno."
"Didn't they tell you when they threw you in here?"
"Uhh... I dunno."
It appears you are getting nowhere with this flabby fella.