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The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

You attempt to slide off the mule, but your foot gets caught in the reins (don't ask me how) and you dangle off its side, helpless.
"Err... sir? A little help, please?" you ask the headmaster sheepishly.
The headmaster grinds his teeth and stomps over to you.
"This is not going to go well..." he mumbles to himself as he releases your foot from the reins and you tumble to the ground.
"Now grab your books and hurry up! Wait! On second thought, you should probably take this nice and slowly..." a frightened look passes over the headmaster's face. He probably recalls the time you were hurrying to a class, in which you were late for (as always), and ended up tripping on the stairs, consequently taking about twenty other people with you. Everyone was injured... except for you of course. Nineteen students and one headmaster make a fine cushion.

You clutch your textbooks tightly to your chest and hurry after the headmaster.

Suddenly you see her. Gertrude Blossombottom, the most beautiful and most popular girl in the entire school of Branblod, walking with natural grace and smiling like the sun.
Not at you of course, she hates your guts. But she manages to keep the smile plastered on her face as you pass by. Entranced by her beauty, the fact that you are holding a ton of books happens to slip your mind.
They all come crashing down, directly upon Gertrude's perfect feet.