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Alpha Wolf

Knowing that Vic works with electricity a lot, you figure he's in that direction. You and the wolflings that are still with you follow, carefully avoiding traps. You travel further to higher levels of the castle where the burning smell is getting stronger. You KNOW you're getting closer to him. You can feel it. You just hope his "experiment" is as great as he claims. It would suck if there wasn't a real battle to fight after all this.

You burst into the room with strong burning smell and see big globes of energy, conduits, generators and a big ass corpse with cybernetic implants lying on the table. It's Frankie with some modifications and absorbing more electricity than lightning rod.

You half expect to see Victor somewhere, but all you hear is the loudspeaker disturbing your ears again.

"You see Wolf! You see! While you've been wasting away in that shitty cabin, I've been preparing for my son's come back! You stole his woman! You ended his career! You didn't just damage him physically, you damaged his mind! Scarred him emotionally! It's taken me YEARS to undo the damage!"
"Damaged his mind? He was a psychopathic serial pedophile made of corpses! What the fuck kind of damage could I have done? And Mary never liked him anyway!"
"She could've learned! He could've too! They just needed more time! But YOU! You prevented all that! You and your dog dick!"
"For fuck's sake, I wasn't the only one fucking her!"
"Yes, but you're the one who did it the longest and destroyed my poor boy's career! You're going to pay! Ha ha ha ha! He's up! HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE! Frankie look who we have here! And old friend, why don't you go and give him a big hug?"

Victor goes into his mad scientist laugh yet again, as Frankie "2.0" gets up from the table. He opens his eyes and looks directly at you.

"FRANKIE BEAT YOUR HEAD IN NOW." He says with a booming voice.

Still as verbal and articulate as ever.