Alpha Wolf

You jump over the banister. Frankie goes flying past you unable to stop himself. You hear gunfire and some sounds of bullets plinking off of metal and burying themselves into flesh.

"OH SHIT!" you hear Igor shout. This term is followed by your own, when you see that you were a lot higher than you thought. You go crashing through a solid wooden dining table. It hurts...A LOT.

You don't get up right away and you half expect Frankie or Igor to come and finish you off, but fortunately that doesn't happen. You painfully rise and prepare yourself for the final battle, which doesn't occur.

You go over to the bottom of the stairs and see the wolflings taking advantage of Frankie's weakened prone state and getting revenge for the beating he gave them all earlier. As for Igor he's lying under Frankie crushed and dying. He's bleeding from his ears, mouth, nose and eyes.

"(Gurgle) (sputter) I'm sorry…Vic…Sorry brother…(Gurgle)" he says before dying.
"Well I guess that explains his loyalty." You say to yourself.

"Hey Wolf you want to get in on this?" A wolfling says ripping a hand off of Frankie.
"Nah, you've earned this. I'm just going to go back upstairs and finish off Victor."
"Need any of us to come up with you?"
"No, you just make sure you do a good job of killing Frankie there."

You head back up stairs and head to the lab that Frankie came bursting out of, it's empty, but there's another door in the room and you've got the impression that a certain doctor is behind it.

You open the door to a small room with a bunch of big computers hooked up to a brain in a jar…

"Dr. Frankenstein I presume?" you say. "Wow Vic, I would've thought you would've at least made a clone body or something."
"Frankie! Igor! Get in here! NOW!"
'They're dead just like you'll be soon and should've been before."
"Erm…Wolf! Hold on! Come on, I can't do anything to you! This isn't fair! Hold on how about…"
"How about you shut up and die?" you say and take Victor's brain out of the jar.

"NOOOOOO…." Is the last thing that comes out of the loud speakers as you crush the brain under your foot.

Its over. You won, and you fucking hurt like hell. You stagger back downstairs where you find Frankie completely in pieces. The wolflings look at you expectantly.

"Did you kill him?'
"Yeah, and it was hardly worth the effort." You reply.
"What are we going to do now?" another asks.
"Well I don't know about you, but I'm going back home to rest."
"But aren't you taking us to raise hell somewhere else?"
"Maybe some other day. Look I'm not here to lead you around by the paw. If you want to raise hell you can certainly do it without me. I showed you the way of the wolf tonight, it's up to you to do something with it. Just remember you're fucking werewolves, live up to the name."

You get back on your Harley and head home. Hopefully you taught the new generation something so tonight wasn't a complete bust. You didn't really get to have the epic battle you were looking for, but you survived and in the end that's what it's all about.
End Of Story