
You start looking for small valuables that you can easily carry in case you need to escape. You curse the fact that this guy doesn't seem to have anything valuable lying out! So far anything that looks like it has value is either fake (To attempt to fool thieves like you no doubt) or would be much too large to haul out. (You're not about to carry a wall painting out with you!) In exasperation you head to the kitchen to steal some food as you're hungry.

While you start skulking around in the cupboards, that's when you find something hidden in plain sight. A whole set of very expensive looking silverware. It's very ornate. Taking the lot of it would take up 2 backpack items worth of space. Now the "hard part" is it's sitting behind a mounted glass case on the wall which is obviously locked.

Test your SKILL and add 2 to the result.

You have 2 choices: