
On your way back you're passing through the poor neighborhood and rude remarks are being thrown your way. Mainly of how you're a butcher and the like. It looks like a lot of people are still ticked off at the Baron and since it's pretty much known now that you're a right hand man of his; you're catching the fallout from it.

"How can you work for such an evil man?!"
"Go back to that Palace of tyranny!"
"Your kind killed my family while trying to restore so called order!"

You begin to get angry, okay maybe some of these people got hurt in the process of restoring order, but that wasn't your fault! You can't be held responsible for what some of the Baron's soldiers did. You never "butchered" anyone.

"Hey! How about a little damn gratitude? I probably saved ALL your collective asses from something far worse than the Baron!" you shout back.
"Oh! Listen to him! We should be grateful! Now he sounds just like all the rest of those rich scum of how they do what's in our best interests!"
"Get out of here Butcher!" another shouts and throws garbage at you.