
After killing the Shaman, you quickly search the hut. You find a small lizard idol with dark red gems for eyes. You're guessing that these are blood gems that Raltec wanted. He should be happy to get two of the things. The idol is heavy though. You can take the whole idol, but it will count as 5 backpack items. If you have a dagger you can pop the gems out and just take those instead. You also find a little pouch full of blue powder; you may take this with you if you wish.

Now with your mission completed, all you have to do is get out of here.

You make your way out of the swamp without incident and head back to Holgard. You're a little tired after all that swamp running, you make camp for the night and decide to complete your journey tomorrow. If you have any rations you must eat one now, or lose 3 STAMINA points. You settle down to sleep. Test your LUCK.