The Whole World In Your Hands

You begin the blitz of negative ads against your opponents. Soon TV commercials across the country are saying "Joseph Liebermann is having a lesbian relationship with his cousin! Don't vote Aratz! Vote for Lewis!" or "John Kerry has lied to you. He says he improved federal funding for our nation's schools by 2.3%. But it was actually 4.7%! He cannot be trusted with managing the United States! Robert Lewis can!" and some even say "Hilary Clinton voted against the war in Iraq. What idiot would do that? We've only lost near two thousand men, and spend a billion dollars a day! Vote for someone who'll kill those Iraqis, as well as a good deal of our men. Vote Lewis!"

And what do you know it works. On the day of the primaries it's all good news. Everyone votes for you, except for one vote for John Kerry, as you accidentally pulled the wrong lever. Anyway, you are now the Democratic party's nominee for the presidency. Your ultimate goal just got a lot closer. Now you must prepare for the REAL election. If you win this, you'll be the Head Honcho, the Top Tamale, the Big Cheese, the President of the United States! And soon after that the world will be yours.

But for now you must win this election. You could continue your attacks on opponents (the Republican nominee is Tom DeLay, it shouldn't be that hard to find fault with HIM). Or you could use the Internet to your advantage, harnessing the power of adware to put pop-up ads everywhere in cyberspace!