Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Paco Valdez

You keep walking to your horse like you don't hear him. He continues to follow you to your horses stable, but by the time he has reached you, you are already on your horses' back. You kick Betty's (Betty is your horse) flanks and she rears up to kick the man in the face. He stumbles back from the glancing blow and you simply ride out on Betty's back.

You ride out of town and nearly an hour into the desert before you reach Coyote Rock. Once there you tie the horse down and give her some water. You take some water for yourself as well.

There's nothing to do now but wait, right? An couple of hours pass and you hear horse hooves galloping your way in the distance. You squint your eyes and can barely make out the forms of what looks like two riders headed your way against the far horizon. They're coming from town.

You get a nervous feeling all over as they come closer, like your stomach is trying to jump through your chest. You start to wonder if it's Gus and Annie like you originaly assumed, or if it's someone else.

If it's the Vigilantes headed your way, you certainly dont want to stick around and find out. But if you run from Annie and Gus, you may be losing your only chance of surviving this adventure. You wish you could make out who the riders are more clearly, but if you wait for them to get to a distance where you can make them out you won't be able to get out of there in time if you have to.

Shit. What the hell are you going to do?