
Right now you're resting with your 3 companions in the hills of Western Pennsylvania. A lush landscape of trees and wild life and not too far from civiliation where, when the sun sets, you can go down to the towns and forage for neccesities.
You're accompanied by Michael, a 23 year old who's learned a lot over the past few months that you've known him. Faces come and go in circumstances like these. Michael is the newest member of your now small party.
Vermont is your long time significant other with whom things have cooled down with due to circumstances. Of course, quality time is hard to come by when you're running from police and bounty hunters and searching for running water to bathe in. Atop that, it was almost a concious decision to play down the relationship. Emotions can be a hinderance in instances where the sake of the group or the cause is at stake. Life and death decisions have been made in the past and no matter how it turns out there will always be burning 'what if' questions in the back of ones mind after the fact. Nonetheless, Vermont has been by your side the entire time you've been on the run. In fact, Vermont's coaxing and devout religious beliefs are what swayed you to take to the streets and reject the new doctorine.
Merle is the oldest of the group. His exact age is still in question, as he rarely talks, but his long gray hair and calloused hands show that he's been around for quite some time. Hes been a huge asset, proving himself to be quite the nature enthusiast and handyman. His knowlege of the wilderness and outdoor survival has saved your partys skin on more than one occasion.

You're all dressed as economically as possible. A few backpacks and nap-sacks and the contents within are all that you own anymore.
You smell as if you've been living in a forest and eating out of dumpsters or wherever else you can find food. Your kind isn't very well liked by those who are living normal everyday lives. You are the new plauge on society. Your lifestyle causes taxes to go up to afford the policing of the towns and outskirts to round up and 'take care of' vagrants. They find vagrants as eyesores. The forsaken righteous. Too good to live like everyone else. It may be that they see in you what they were too weak to stand up and do.

You have 1 choice: