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Paradise Violated

Sergeant Alyssa…

Not her real name, since that's basically unpronounceable, but what you did make out sounded like "Alyssa" when she first told you, so that's the name you kept calling her. It stuck.

Her race lives on a world much different than Paradise. It's a harsh frozen ice ball. How she can stand the infernal temperature here, is thanks to her race's unique body temperature regulation. Even in this heat, she remains comfortably cool. It's as if their home planet is always with them. Such a brutal environment created a very survivalistic race. Humans often jokingly refer to them as "Ice Elves" since their pale blue skin and physical features resemble the ancient earth stereotype of those mythical beings. Surprisingly they accepted the Empire when it came, even offering some of their young warriors to serve. Ever since that first contact, they have been a consistent source of troops for the Empire.

Alyssa wasn't one of those recruits, she pledged her allegiance to you when you saved her town from a Krik raiding party. Actually you were just trying to hold the territory because of the Baz crystal deposit there. Never the less, when you personally decapitated the Krik warrior who was ready to kill her, you gained a life long ally.

Her loyalty is based more on you rather than Empire doctrine, but she's proven to be more of a soldier of the Empire than anyone else you've commanded. If she was human she probably would've been an officer by now, but the Empire has "rules" against that. You doubt if she'd leave even if she could get promoted further though.

The fact that Inquistor Salo can't stand her, only makes you like her even more.

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