You are a PROFESSIONAL Assassin

You decide your best bet will be the quickest flight out of the country, The airport is packed with people which you hope will make you blend in considering you have blood on your jacket.
You get the next flight which is to Canada, you dont care as long as its anywhere other than here.
You begin to walk to the check in when you feel a sharp pain in your back.
You look behind you but you just see a crowd of people walking past you. You feel around your back and when you look at your hand, you go pale, your hand is covered in blood but this time its your blood.
You realise you have been stabbed in the back, it could have been anyone in the crowd. You should have known your employer would of had backup at the airport in case the hit failed.
You usually avoid airports but you couldn't think straight after whats happened, even so you think you should have been smarter. Everyone seems to be walking in slo-motion and everything goes blurry. You know the wound is serious and your going to bleed to death, you dont have much time to worry about it as you fall unconcious. You die from the wound as you expected too. Think like your enemy, and you will outsmart them, you should have known, you were so close to escape.
Instead you have a nameless gravestone as you had so many Id's and passports on you, they never discovered your true identity...
End Of Story