Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


Before we get started there's one choice you need to make, who you are. I will give you some history on each character to help you choose.

Kit: A lovable 15-year-old girl. Friendly to most people, despite growing up with a single mother who gets drunk a lot, but hides most of her emotions under her mask of pretend happiness. She gets good grades and has won trophies for her school in art contests, such as sculpting and painting. Despite all that the only thing most people discover about her, even her friends, is that she's nice, but nothing more.

Haru: A dark mysterious 16-year-old boy. Doesn't like to talk much. Most people consider him anti-social. He has the potential to get strait A's in school, but he mostly just skips school and gets into fights. Because of this, nearly every guy who can fight in the city he lives in normally gets into at least one fight with him. He lives with his foster parents and their daughter and he never knew his real parents.

Ok, now pick your character:

You have 2 choices: