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You ran out the door and down the sidewalk to school trying to keep the tears from escaping. Your pet kitten, Achi, was clinging to your backpack as you ran. Your mother was in a bad mood due to a hang over and lack of sleep the night before. You chewed on a piece of cold toast you grabbed while leaving. The school came into view and you slowed to a walk putting on a happy face. Your friend, Alice, was standing near the school grounds waiting for you. "Wow," she said as you stepped up to her, "I actually made it here before you for a change! It's like a miracle!" I sighed shaking my head, she's right; you're normally early to everything. You said, "Let's just go in." She shrugged and started walking and you where about to fallow but noticed something out of the corner of your eye. you turned your head to look and saw a boy. He had to be about your age. If so though… why isn't he headed towards school rather than walking away from it? You noticed also he had a black, wolf-like dog with him. You looked back at him and he was now looking at you. From here it looks like his eyes are black, though you can't really tell. His white and black hair was waving slightly in the crisp breeze. "Hay, Kit you coming?" Alice called from the front door of the school. I…
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