What Ho!

"Hissst!" you say outside Fatty's door.

Fatty peers out. "Don't say 'hissst' Petey, just knock. Much less suspicious, you know. Did you get the begonias?"

His eyes are so bright with anticipation that you feel obligated to let him down slowly.

"Ah, begonias..." you say, scratching the back of your neck.

"What do you mean by 'Ah, begonias?'" says Fatty, peering at you up and down. Realization dawns. "Petey, you ass, where's the blasted plant?"

"Well, I didn't want to just rush in and do it all at once. Some things need to be eased into."

"Well, ease your worthless carcass out there and come by with a plant!" Fatty storms. "And the right one, too." he adds.

"Sorry old chum, but Sir Bob is on the prowl out there with a cannon the size of Big Bertha. We Postletwaites, while of redoubtable character and constitution, nonetheless find our begonia fetching abilities hampered by large holes in our personal frame."

Pleased perhaps is not an adjective apropos Fatty at this moment, but he does acceed to your impeccable logic.

"Tomorrow night, then?" he sighs resignedly.

"Oh, absolutely!" you chirp.

Well, back to bed.

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