What Ho!

Nimbly stepping to the left around the lumbering brute, you step over the Scotty.

The vicious animal takes exception to this treatment and uses a heretofore unknown version of Scottish Canid Martial Arts and deftly wraps its leash around your ankles.

You go down like a poleaxed something or other, and the beast leaps up onto your chest. It stares you in the eye while snarling contemptuously.

You hear Cuddy's voice "Oh, there you are Petey. Hey! What are you doing to poor Agamemnon?" She scoops the later day Cereberus up into her arms.

"Oooooh, poor baby, mean ol' Petey teasing you?" She turns a cold eye on you. "I oughta tell the Our Dumb Friends people about you, Petey. But, I do need your help, so I'll forgive you for now. Now get your lazy bum upstairs and I'll tell you what I need you to do."

You open your mouth to protest "I say, Cuddy, I say!"

"Zip it kiddo, or do you want me to sic Aggie on you?"