
You whip your body around and run as fast as you can into the dark forest. Your heart pounds in your chest and your lungs squeeze air in and out as quickly as possible, but you never were a good runner. After a while, only fear keeps your tired body going. The forest is open and roomy enough for running, though you have to evade a low branch or jump over a fallen tree every once in a while. After a long time, (or short, you cannot tell) you collapse on a small patch of moss next to a small, running creek, trying with all of your remaining energy to catch your breath.
Time passes, and there is no sign of the Puppetmaster. Your mouth is dry and burning, so you crawl up to the edge of the creek and plunge your mouth into the cool water. It seems clean, and is very refreshing, but between gulps you turn your head to look behind you, the fear of the Puppetmaster always in the back of your mind.
Hours go by, and there still is no sign of the Puppetmaster. You weren't even sure he ran after you in the first place, but you remain wary noneoftheless. Sleep begins to overcome you, but you wonder if you should relax, knowing that the Puppetmaster is still out there...