
You stay where you are, watching the Puppetmaster as he approaches.
"What do you want, Puppetmaster?" you shout out at him.
He suddenly stops and looks you straight in the eye.
"Are you not going to run, boy?" the man smirks, "Are you not going to flee from me?"
"Answer my question first." you reply.
The Puppetmaster begins to move forward again. "What I want from you is what I want for humanity. I seek you so I can please myself." he sneers, "I was thinking of killing you, child, but it appears you may have sufficient courage to withstand my tests."
"Tests?" you ask.
"To amuse me. To see what you're made of. If you do well, I may spare your life. But if you do poorly, I will kill you in the most horrible way you can possibly imagine." The Puppetmaster has reached to where you stand and stops a few feet away from you, sneering and revealing his dagger teeth through his open mouth. You look at the old man and smile. Up close he is even shorter than you, and though he looks insane and a little frightening, his threats seem harmless.
"You?" you chuckle, "Are going to kill me?"
The Puppetmaster's arm shoots out like a arrow and claws you across the face, flinging you on your back. You scream in pain as you touch your scraped face in horror.
"Take me seriously." the Puppetmaster hisses, "Trust me, next time you step out of line I will not be so forgiving." The evil creature swivels around and starts walking away.

"Your first task," the ugly man calls over his shoulder, "is to stay alive."
With that, the Puppetmaster disappears into the darkness, his cackling laugh echoing in your ears.

Suddenly, a powerful sleep takes hold of you and you plunge back into blackness...

You have 1 choice: