Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Fate's Crossing

You shout the boy's name again and again, but he doesn't answer. Muttering in frusteration, you pull out a long dagger from your cloak and attempt to slash through the brush. It proves futile, and so does the muttering of a few minor spells. You are about to give up, when you hear a faint cry of help deep within the forest. It's the boy! Gathering all your strength, you crash into the thick brush and tear your way into the forest. Branches and pines scrape and cut your flesh, but as the boy's cries start to get more urgent, you move even faster throught the obstacles like an animal. As the forest gets to be a bit more clearer, you break out into a clumsy run, ducking low branches and jumping over fallen trees. Finally you make it to the clearing where you think the boy's cries came from, and stop dead in your tracks.
Three large, mangy wolves surround the boy, licking their chops and getting ready to pounce...