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Fate's Crossing

Stealthily, you track the bandits to the best of your abilites. Luckily for you, the men are moving slowly because the woman continues to plead to be reunited with her son.

The men eventually arrive at a cave. They enter it and lay the woman down. She stops begging, knowing that all her efforts to save her child would be in vain. You go into the cave without being seen.

The cave in spacious and comfortable; with expensive rugs and persian sofas on the floor. The men crowd around the woman, gaping openly at her voluptuous busom.

"When do we get to start with her?" one man asks another, who is apparently the leader.

"This woman is not for the Black Cloaks," he responds. "She is for me only, but first I must ask her something."

He crouches down next to the woman. "Have you ever seen something like this?" he drws out a pendant. A gold one. The same one you have.

"No, I haven't."

"Oh well, I didn't expect you to. I just wondered what it meant, I've had it all my life. But let us begin."