Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Fate's Crossing

You immeadiately fall into a deep slumber. Figures dance around your head. You see Ortize and reach out as though to grab him. The sun is in the palm of your hand. You eat a slice of bread.

The next image is the easiest to make out. You see the face of the man who haunts your dream incessantly. But now his neck is visible, exposing the same golden pendant that is around your neck!

"I am Killion," the man tells you. Never before had he spoken to you. He has a deep voice filled with malice. "I must meet you, brother. When you awaken you must go to the ruins of the city Ballatine. I will be there, waiting. Come to me."

You wake up, dazed. Killion's words echo in your mind. Do you follow his orders or meditate?

You have 2 choices: