The absurd, weird universe of zio.

They rush out the filthy apartment faster than Usain Bolt! As they pound the pavement to there job Buchi has a amazing thought! "Imagine, what if drugs were animals? What the hell would crack be?! A zebra? What about weed?! A sloth? So many animals though could probably represent such a drug so the real question then is, what would drugs choose as animals? So many questions! So little time! They finially make it to the job: MEGA-SLICE™, Buchi slides on the pavement and pushes his arms out, he slides into the restaurant pushing the doors open, Grande simply now walked in. There he was! erDICK! He stood by counter with a band-aid loosely over his cheek, be now jolts his head to us and says: "Ah, your on time boys! Get on to the a busy day!" Buchi pockets his hands and walks to the kitchen with Grande.

Buchi says: "Hey.. who do you think beat up Eric?"

"Hell if I know, he sure looked like he got fucked up though.."

"Hah yeah! Man.. then again probably deserves it.. hah imagine Eric fighting!"

"Eh, I don't know Buchi he could know some moves.."

"YEAHH sure.. I don't think knowing how to cut pizza is going to get you anywhere.."

Grande starts to grasp his note pad and pencil.
Buchi again leans on the counter to mentally prepare.
Incubo is nowhere to be seen....
As Buchi looks at the wall he now shifts his eyes all over, he inspected the wall intensely and then slams a fist on the counter and screams:

"Hey! HEY! HEYYYY!!"

"What . . . "



Buchi states in complete awe at the wall smiling, he was so happy! His boss didn't chew him out and blame him! Just then the door creaks and in comes Incubo he states: "I wish, oh hOwwWWww.. I fucking wish! Why can't we all just be billionaires?!"

Grande looks behind him and says: "Because then the economy would break."

"FUCK eConOmy!! I wouldn't need it if I'm rich heh!"

".. actually.. you would.. dumbass.."

Incubo leans against the sink stating: "Eh! Whatever!" Buchi's eyes are glued to the wall, he tried his best to see if there was any.. any crack at all! Incubo starts to turn around and turn the sink water on as Grande heads out to take tables, as this happens the sea horse sways and the giant queen of babble dabble stares into the land of chef kisses pasta filled with flying orphan chil- ... What.. holy shit.. I'm seeing things... Buchi quickly rubs his eyes and steps back now blinking, he instantly connected the two, Drugs bad, drugs got on! Holy fuckin' blagorp! Wait what... Shit!!! Buchi needs to escape the work place now before he is fired- Into a pit of cuddle monsters! shit what?! Oh fuck.. it's no use.. he's.. HIGH..

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