The absurd, weird universe of zio.

Eric rushes, forth at the creature screaming at the top of his lungs! The monster pounds it's chest as Eric reeled back his body and began to wildly and ruthlessly punch the being over and over, The humanoid stood arms wide open tanking the hits as it's sliding back from each swing, before almost instantly snapping it's hand down slinging it over Eric's head, Eric twists his body to the side frantically, just for the monster to reach its hand out and smash his palm into Eric's head, Eric gets his face smashed and flings back into the wall, his head hits the wall and busts, a sea of crimson flows over his vision as he weakly sits on the counter, that's when he feels it! There's a waft of air periodically pressing against his neck.. he slings his head down to see a small crack with some light peering through it, waft of air pressing for the, Eric grins as now he lurches off the wall and drops, the monster was now Infront of him slowly raising it's hand to chop down on Eric, he slung his fist up and smashed the water bottle in the monsters face, the monster slung it's head about as the water popped, and Eric then flings to his left and smacks his fist to the right shaking the monsters head rapidly, he the slings the same hand into it's chest as it now falls back and collapsed in shock!

He rushed quickly grasping a napkin on the floor and turned back to see the creatures fist inches from his chest, he is quickly smashed in the breast bone and slides back, the monster grinds it's teeth rapidly as it begins to rush forward it lifted and kicked Eric's head, and twisted lifting it sent it's heel to crash down on the pale man's head! Eric glared looking up and punches the heel, his knuckles submerged in slightly as now the creatures ankle snaps mid air and he falls smacking his head on the ground, it's heel seemed to break as now Eric slung his foot into it's jugular, the monster now coughed out a burst of black goo and rolled back a few times.. Eric jumped and smashed his heels into it's ribs smashing and breaking them and then kicked off flinging the monster out the kitchen, he rushed quickly to the crack in the wall and launches his hand at the crack desperately trying to shove it in, the monster is heard behind him screaming for a second, before Eric hears its steps getting closer! Yes! Yes! Eric shoves the napkin into the crack tightly and whirred around back handing the monster in the jaw, it's jaw snapped and Eric quickly slung his hand back and repeated, completely ripping it's jaw off, as it now slung back in pain, black liquid flowed down as Eric now slung his hand into the gut of the beast, he began to rapidly smash his hands into tje monsters gut gasping for air as he was exhausted, strangely the monster wasn't healing! He knew it! That damn crack was it's way to breathe! That little fucker! Eric now sent one pathetic kick to the monsters gut and he fell down to the ground sweating and covered in blood, the monster slung down grasping it's throat, it rapidly jerked on the ground, it was trying so hard as it rolled about, it's nails dig in it throat as it stiffens on the ground, it squeezes.. and BLAM! It's head popped and it's throat became thin. Shooting organic material like objects out, instantly the monster vanishes as this happens the world swirls around Eric and he just leans back on the ground breathing heavily as now the entire kitchen was back to normal.. Eric played there silent almost in shock, it grabbed his side, and head and stumbled out the kitchen, he heard the front door clack open as now Buchi enters, soon Grande and Incubo quickly follow singing a song about sailor girls, they shift and now look at Eric standing there looking at them, looking fucked up, he sighs and began to stumble to his office Buchi saying:

"Dude.. Eric wha-"

"I don't want to talk about it..."

The office door slams shut leaving awkward silence to fill the restaurant..