The absurd, weird universe of zio.

Eric smacks his feet to the ground he grabs one of his waters and grips it tightly as he slides past his desk rapidly looking around, he stamps his foot stopping his slide and looks to his left seeing his exit from the office, he knows going to a wider more open area will allow him to survive! The cracks in the wall shoot down and surge towards the door, Shit! That fucker knows.. he instantly charged to the door knowing the demon couldn't crumble it and cave in the office in time! Just then a hand shot out from under to grasp Eric's foot, Eric effortlessly jumps over it only to instantly be smashed in the gut by the other hand just inches above! Eric grunts in pain as now he holds the giant hand of the monster, his hand surges around shaking rapidly, as now Eric gets a grip he jumps and Stamps his feet down and slides on the long arm to the door! The hand turns to a fist and it reels back surging forth almost instantly into the wall Eric jumps off! Only for the first to instantly smash back out, Eric kicked his foot to the hand and twisted as now the palm smacked into his heel when he twisted grazing his shoe he grasped the side and pulled launching to the door!, He springs his body down as now his hands slide across the tile wood making his fingers bleed, this gives him a good position where he now angles his feet and smashes into the door, it snaps and crumbles as now he rolls out into the dining area... Eric's nose grazes the floor causing it to burn he grunts as he now smashes his feet down mid roll and is flung high in the air in the much more open terrain of his restaurant! He looks around the room mid air but sees no activity as he now lands on the ground.

Eric now glares around stating: "You fool! your a idiot if you think one can step in the domain of bosses restaurant and challenge him!"

The being now states as several cracks surge from the walls: "Fuck you!"

"Hah! Good luck you ugly bastard!!" Eric stated grinning as he slowly backs up looking around


Eric now jolts to the left and reels back the hand of the monster bursting from the wall! Inches from his face! Eric kicks his feet instantly sliding back as the hand comes trying to claw his eyes out, he ducks now and punches the ground, he looked to the side so chips from the floor didn't hit his eye, stamping his foot he reeled back more and lifts! He now raises his hand and smashes it down in the beasts still stretching arm! He did all of this in what seems like seconds to the creature..the arms instantly bent as Eric now slung his hand back jumping away, the arms now flails for 3 seconds before sucking up into the wall again!


Eric now snaps his head down! There's a giant hand busting from the ground right under him! Shit! He couldn't do nothing... The hand grasped his ankles and then started to shift and smashed through the tile of the floor flinging Eric above with him, it began to smash Eric forth into anything with no mercy! Not even knowing how to process the moment Eric's head smashed into one of the tables as now he glares looking up he punches the roof above him he was about to be smashed into! As now he twists he begins punching all the objects he was going to be smashed into, his knuckles eventually got bloody as he estimated he was smashed into over 46 different items and areas all in under 12 seconds!

Another hand shot out the wall! As now Eric was being flung around the dining area of his restaurant punching things he was about to get smashed into, and punching a hand that was relentlessly trying to grab him!